Cart Page

Add "remove" button on cart page

Add the remove option on the cart page so users don't abandon the cart but only remove the product they don't want and proceed to checkout with other products. This will make the clients feels that they're not trapped.

Cart Page

"I agree with Terms & Conditions" checkbox

Make your store GDPR compliant by adding the "I agree with Terms & Conditions" checkbox. If a customer doesn't check the checkbox before clicking the checkout button, an alert popup will prevent them from continuing.

Collection Page

"Add to cart" on collection page

Give your customers the ability to buy multiple products without going to each product page. This will definitely make the navigation in your store easier.

Product Page

Size chart popup

Add the size chart on product page as a popup. This will allow you to have a cleaner product page and yet have the possibility for the customers to have more information about sizes on your products. Choose the animation of how the popup is showing.

Collection Page

Collection swatches

Adding swatches on the collection page will allow clients to see how many variants does a product has and choose which one they want to see.

Collection Page

Change image on Mouse hover

On Collection page allow users to see second image without going to the product page. This will allow them to see more about product without being forced to go back and forth on collection and product page. Choose from product admin page which image will be showing first and second on each product.

Logo list

Connect with your buyer by telling them with who you partner or who uses your brand Add a list of logos of your partners or customers on your homepage. Easy to add or remove options as they're added on Customize admin panel.

Testimonials Carousel

Gain more customers by showing them what others say about your brand. Add custom testimonials on homepage. A slider with 3 custom testimonials will be added.


Gain more customers by showing them what others say about your brand. Add custom testimonials on homepage. A slider with custom testimonials will be added.

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